The Torbay Chess Congress
An annual congress held on the English Riviera
The Torbay Congress
Torbay Chess Congress
Torbay Chess Congress

Torbay Chess Congress Privacy Notice

The Torbay Chess Congress (refered to below as "the Congress") is an annual volunteer-run event adminstered by the Congress Organiser and Congress Secretary as detailed on our contacts page, together with members of a Committee appointed by the Congress Organiser to assist with the running of each Congress.

With effect from 25th May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is in force. For more information see the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation. This page sets out how the Torbay Chess Congress complies with the GDPR.

The outcome of our ICO self-assessment for registration is that the Congress does not need to register with the ICO.

What personal data does the Congress collect?

The data we routinely collect includes contact information of players who enter the Congress: name, address, phone numbers and email addresses. We also collect entrants' date of birth information to determine ther eligibility for junior prizes and entry fee discounts.  We collect this information directly from players when they enter the Congress.  We may also collect contact information from other individuals, with their explict consent, when we reasonably believe that they will be interested to be notified about future Congresses.

We collect the results of games played during the Congress, which may be displayed on the Congress website and/or external results websites such as the UTU Swiss Congress Results website, and are submitted to the English Chess Federation (ECF) for grading purposes. 

The moves of games played during the Congress, as recorded on results sheets by players during their games, may be submitted to our database of games and displayed on the Congress website and other websites such as the Chess Devon website.

The Congress website does not use browser cookies which can identify individual visitors.  When players enter the Congress and pay entry fees via the Congress website, we do not collect bank account or credit/debit card information.

We prefer to pay prize monies by electronic banking, and ask prize winners to give the Congress Organiser their banking sort code and account number.  Such bank account information is kept securely by the Congress Organiser on paper and only until the payment has been made; it is not stored electronically.

What is this personal data used for?

We use the contact information of entrants to previous and current Congresses to

  • notify them of forthcoming Congresses
  • provide information about the Congress
  • solicit feedback after the running of each Congress
  • contact players in the event of queries or emergencies
  • ensure that all prize winners receive their prizes.

Information on players' results is maintained for the purpose of communicating results, tables and statistics, which are publicly visible. Information on games played during the Congress may be displayed on the Congress website for the interest and enjoyment of the chess playing community.

How is this personal data stored?

Personal contact information is stored in encrypted digital form on our website servers (, and is backed up on the secure servers of our website hosting company.  Temporary copies of this information may be kept on the personal computers of the Congress Organiser, Secretary and Committee Members.

Entrants' information required by the tournament directors and arbiters for the running of the Congress, including name, ECF grade and grading code, any byes requested, and any special pairing requests, will be copied to computers running the chess tournament software that we operate, and will be used to prepare wall charts showing results and pairings.

Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the relevant laws and regulations?

Under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) we do not have a statutory requirement to have a Data Protection Officer. The person who is responsible for ensuring that the Congress discharges its obligations under the GDPR is the Congress Secretary.

Who has access to this personal data?

The Congress Organiser, Secretary and Committee Members have special access credentials on the Congress website which allow them to see the personal data, including contact information, which we store on the Congress website.  We will not disclose personal contact information to any third parties, including the organisers of other chess congresses.

Players' results, games, ECF grades, ECF grading code and ECF membership number are publicly visible on the website.

What is the legal basis for collecting this data?

The Congress collects personal data for which the individuals concerned have given specific consent, and which is necessary for the purposes of running a chess congress that enables players to particiapte in an internationally recognised and regulated, competitive mind sport. This data is kept in compliance with our legal obligations.

How you can check the personal data about you that we store?

You can ask what personal information about you that we store by contacting the Congress Secretary, who is required to provide this to you within one month.

Historical game information, results, statistics and tables are on the publicly-accessible parts of the Congress website.

Does the Congress collect any “special” data?

The GDPR refers to sensitive personal data as “special categories of personal data”. We do not record any such special data.

Can you have your personal data removed or corrected?

We will delete or update any individual's contact details if requested to do so by the individual.  Such requests should be directed to the Congress Secetary.

How long do we keep personal data for, and why?

We normally keep entrants' personal data for several years in order to keep them informed of future Congresses.  We will periodically delete information which we consider too old to be useful.

Historical game information, results, statistics and tables may be kept in perpetuity and cannot be removed on request.

What happens if an individual dies?

If we are notified of the death of an individual by next-of-kin, we will remove any contact information that we store for that individual.

The 2025 Torbay Congress is at the Toorak Hotel

The 2025 Torbay Congress will take place on Friday 31st October through to Sunday 2nd November.

The venue is the TLH Toorak Hotel, Torquay.

TLH Toorak Hotel Torbay Chess Conference